08 8268 5333


There are a lot of tools in the KE toolbox, all of which can be used stand alone, combined to deliver a material handling system and customised to suit your exact requirements. Please contact us and we will listen to your requirements and deliver the product that suits your application.


When your business needs to move, manipulate or feed abrasive, corrosive or large materials through a production system, KE can provide a solution. With stories of success in the minerals, fertiliser, automotive, consumer goods and recycling industries, KE will add value to your system from providing simple chute work to full material manipulation and movement arrangements.


Understanding what you need from a conveyor system seems an obvious input into the design process and it is one to which KE pay the utmost attention. Alongside your input, KE contribute its rich experience in designing and fabricating conveyor systems over forty years so that what is installed on your site meets your exacting requirements. KE has an intimate understanding of belt materials, roller configuration and properties, structural elements and the interaction of motors, gearboxes and pulleys to achieve precisely the material flow rate you re looking for.


Vertical movement of material presents some unique problems with changing potential energy being key among them. KE lifting systems, including elevators and lift/drop towers solve these problems with safety and failsafe systems built in. We work alongside our partners to ensure all electrical, hydraulic and kinetic energy is controlled at all times as material is lifted and lowered through the system.


The KE business found its initial success in the manufacture of bulk commodity material handling equipment, initially with designs from our customers. From those humble beginnings, KE has evolved to a provider of stand-alone proprietary products that are warranted and fully supported by the KE service team. Committed to continual improvement, KE proudly ploughs a significant portion of profits and unending energy in to research and development. We keep moving the goal posts and you end up with better performing and smarter machines.


We think we are the market leader in self-propelled ground pile/bunker in and out loading products. Why not put us to the test. KE is confident that the elements of the BunkerSweeper and BunkerStacker can be adapted to a wide variety of grain handling situations. As well as being extremely effective around ground pile/bunker sites, these machines have been deployed to load grain storage sheds, trains, trucks, barges and small ships.


At KE we understand the importance of precisely controlling the flow of commodities through a production or loading system. Talk to us about valves, baffle plates and wear linings to get the most out of your system and chute work.


Aside from the installation and commissioning of products produced by KE at your site, our tradesmen and technicians can be made available to support your ongoing operations. We can apply our expertise to the material handling issues unique to your production environment and work with you to achieve pragmatic solutions. Ongoing routine maintenance of KE and customer equipment forms part of our service portfolio as does break-down response. With the benefit of our own fabrication and machine shops, KE is able to provide bespoke, fast turn-around resolutions to the issues you have on site.

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